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ROUTes to Excellence (ROUTExc 1)
Excellence Belt - Business Plan

IT App to prepare a Business Plan from the idea to the implementation using a guided automated methodology developed by Excellence Belt LLC

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How we help you?

We have created an automated IT App titled Excellence Belt - Business Plan that generates key documents of your strategic plan from the concept to the implementation with a complete analysis using best practices. We will support you with the IT App along with coaching and/or training of your key personnel as needed.

IT App

The IT App is a guided-automated methodology to prepare a business plan using best practices. It could be leased in packages per year and per license.


When preparing a business plan the product or business owner has to be involved and therefore our role is coaching rather than doing and provide our clients with methodologies and best practices by means of our IT App.


The specialized training allows to prepare key business related people about the concepts and methodology for preparing a business plan. Currently available a 40 hours training program composed of 10 modules and fitted to client’s needs.

Integrated Assistance

If our clients can not be fully involved, we could assume the complete analysis of your business case and have effective interaction to achieve your business targets.


Following some testimonial resulting from preliminary business cases evaluated with the IT App Excellence Belt Business Plan that showed very promising results during the test-run phase.

“Came to the US as a Latin Immigrant targeting for an Investment Visa requiring to evaluate 2-3 business opportunities. This type of business case being seasonal and low margin type, proved not feasible for the analyzed location. Avoided investment in a high risk business vs. other evaluated options"

Case 1:  Ice Cream Franchise

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