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The following options have been identified in support to our clients to bring the best technical-economic support.  We are flexible to adapt to our clients’ needs.

  • Best Value

    40h Coaching

    Every week
    10 weeks, 4 hours per week
    Valid for 10 weeks
    • 4 coaching hours per week up to total per service
    • 1 business case per service
    • Access to IT App per service
    • Additional hours @ $80 per hour
    • Training handled separately per training offer
  • 40h Training

    Every week
    Subject: Excellence Belt Business Plan
    Valid for 10 weeks
    • 4h per week up to completion in 10 weeks
    • 1h per week per invitation for online consultation
    • 2h per person after completion to review a business case
    • Includes training material and Excellence Belt certificate
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